"In the shadows we find truth, and in silence we ensure its revelation." - Manifesto of Digital Dissent, Chapter 4:3.

## Kosova Hackers Security


What was the moment that make you start hacktivism, and what drives you all to keep going now?

We just want respect for Kosovo. The war end and lies about us start on internet. We see Serbia people say bad things and have to fight back. Now we keep fighting because nobody else protect our country online. We want make noise so they don't forget Kosovo.

How you guys learn hacking, and what you want in new people for your team?

We just try things and learn from mistakes. No school for this here. We want loyalty to Kosovo first, skills later. New people must show they will fight for our country online with everything they have. Hacking skills we can teach, passion we cannot.

Can you talk, without secrets, how you decide on hacks and use your tools?

We see Serbia or others say bad things about Kosovo online, we hit back. Simple. DDoS or deface site to make noise. We don't overthink, just want to make big noise quickly. Use all tools we have to hit them hardest we can.

How do you pick targets, and check your hacks match what you believe?

We go after who talks bad about Kosovo. If they disrespect us, they are target, we don't care who they are. Everything we do is for Kosovo, so it always matches what we believe. We don't do nothing else.

What hack you did that really made difference for Kosovo?

When we hack Serbian government site and leave message, it got in news. Show we can hit them hard. We get attention for Kosovo. Show we are strong hackers for our country.

How is your group setup? How you keep safe when you are all over?

We use chat apps and basic websites to stay connected. Don't need much, we know why we are here. Keeping safe is being loyal to team. We watch each others' backs. Where we are doesn't matter.

What hacking methods you use, and how change when new stuff comes out?

We just use what works - DDoS, defacing, some social engineering. We don't do super complex stuff. When we hear about new tools we try them if they simple. We keep it basic but hit hard for Kosovo.